
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Truck Platooning is the Future

Self driving truck technology is all the rage today, but it is probably some years down the road.

Although the technology enabling driverless trucks is here now, I feel it will be awhile before the software and hardware enabling that capability will be fully trusted.

The link below outlines some of the issues at hand.

two - truck platooning

More importantly I think there are legal aspects that will need to be ironed out. For instance if there is an accident and a hardware problem is found to be at fault, whose insurance will pay? the carrier? the equipment manufacturer? the last person to work on the truck?

Platooning technology offers a mid step between today and tomorrow. Platooning involves two or more trucks linked wirelessly that follow each other much more closely than would be safe if each were controlled by a human driver. All trucks in the group accelerate and brake as one unit.

Platooning promises fuel savings and (possibly) extended hours of service, but would require some training of truck drivers and the motorists sharing the road. Drivers would need to understand at least the basics of how the system works, and motorists would probably need to be prohibited from entering between platooning trucks.

This emerging technology will be a growth area for technicians (mechanics) and the younger techs or those just entering the field would be wise to study electronics, wireless communication, and sensor technology to get ready for upcoming repair opportunities.

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